The CVO has a large engine by Harley standards, featuring 110 cubic inches of displacement. Harley engines are air cooled. That's a bit of a problem when the air that's supposed to be cooling the engine is warmer than the air that is igniting in the engine's combustion chamber. Yes, it was that hot. And here is proof:
That is Mrs. Chainsaw's leg, and no, she didn't lean up against the barbeque at Big Jack's - this was the result of simply sitting in the riding position. Suddenly that rain is starting to look pretty attractive - at least to Mrs. Chainsaw.
Things We Learned Today:
- The world's largest prairie dog resides in Oakley, Kansas
- When spitting with your helmet on it is important to lift the face shield first.
- The rumors are true - Kansas is in fact in color (courtesy of Shrug)
Sunday morning in a small town in Eastern Colorado ....